ECEC and Early Intervention
In recent years, the presence of pupils with disabilities and with different types of difficulties has been a constant, if not constantly growing, element. This has contributed to making the management of educational realities more and more complex, since pre-school age.
Alongside this phenomenon, it is necessary to consider some relevant aspects especially if analysed in relation to possible applications in the educational field:
Recent studies in Neuroscience have promoted a better understanding of the development of brain structures, and have emphasised the role of early educational intervention for the cognitive, linguistic, emotional and relational development of children. The ways in which adults care for a child, thanks to a wide range of stimuli (verbal and non-verbal communication), have a significant influence on the child development’s process, not only in terms of skills, but also in the construction of a strong and well-structured personality
The need to ensure high-quality preschool education services as a priority goal in European educational policies and welfare (ECEC). In order to promote the development and enhancement of these agencies, it is important to guarantee not only the achievement of quantitative parameters, but also – and mainly – of qualitative improvement. In regards to this, a very important aspect is represented by the possibility of promptly identifying signs of difficulties from the first years of a child’s life.
The sustainable development objectives identified for Europe 2030 should also be mentioned, and, specifically, point 4., dedicated to the need to “Provide quality, fair and equitable education, inclusive, and learning opportunities for all” and the target 4.2, in which the focus is detailed that is emerging here: “By 2030, make sure that all girls and boys have access to one quality early childhood development, necessary care and access to kindergarten, in order to that they are ready for primary education.”