Strumenti e Risorse
L., d’Alonzo (Eds), La rilevazione precoce delle difficoltà: una ricerca-azione su bambini da 0 a 6 anni, ed. Erickson, Trento, 2016
Maggiolini, S., Molteni, P., Zanfroni, E., Sala, R., & d’Alonzo, L. (2021). The teachers’ educational needs for early detection of difficulties in kindergarden. Education Sciences & Society-Open Access, 12(1).
Maggiolini, S., Molteni, P., Zanfroni, E., Sala, R., & d’Alonzo, L. (2021). More Opportunities for Every Child: Teachers’ Training needs on early detection of difficulties in kindergarten. 30th EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies, Online Festival, 1st – 17th September 2021, pp. 238-239
Presentazioni PPT
Introduction to Research Methods: Surveys, Interviews, & Focus Groups – Keynote lecture from Jessica Tollette, PhD, Comillas Universidad Pontificia, November 7, 2019.
Maggiolini, S., Molteni, P., Zanfroni, E., Teachers’ Training needs on early detection of difficulties in kindergarten (novembre 2021).
Maggiolini, S., Molteni, P., SIN DA SUBITO – Sfide, opportunità e proposte per includere nella scuola dell’infanzia. Il contributo del progetto MOEC (giugno 2022).